NICE is looking to expand its client base and need you to help us find people looking for digital solutions. Irish charities have been profoundly affected by COVID-19 and need our help to survive.
To help us make these connections and to support struggling charities, we have launched Nice Guys Finish First; a program that invites you to make a business connection for us, and we in turn make a donation to an Irish registered charity on your behalf.1You Make The Intro
You simply fill out the below form to introduce us to your friend, family member or colleague.
2We Make Contact
We make contact with the prospective client.
3We Make Your Donation
If the project goes ahead, or they begin a plan with us, your nominated Irish registered charity gets 10% of the value of the project or plan.
Do you somebody who is starting a business, needs a re-brand or doesn’t currently have a website? Why not refer us and also help a charity close to your heart? If we can make it happen, we will contact you again with confirmation of your charity donation!
© 2024 | Company Registration Number; 567457